Healed People
Heal People.

The Denver Youth Program is dedicated to supporting youth in their journey to adulthood.

GRASP youth
AIM hospital
bedside visits
Family Nature Club

Learn About Our Programs

Denver Youth Program houses 6 dynamic programs which impact youth daily. Each program offers an engaging experience for youth needing mentorship, entrepreneur support, clinical/holistic therapies, and peer support.

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At-Risk Intervention Mentoring (AIM)

AIM partners with Denver Health, University of Colorado Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Colorado to address the emotional, psychological, cultural, and spiritual impact of acute physical trauma.

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GRASP Enterprises

GRASP Enterprises is a youth employment initiative that trains and employs participants in a GRASP run, silk-screening and embroidery business.

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The Hummingbird Initiative

The Hummingbird Initiative program provides a multi-year healthcare internship and leadership development program for Manual High School students.

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Metro Denver Partners

The Partners Mentoring Program serves girls and boys from 9-17 years of age, and are matched with an adult volunteer. Youth are referred by school teachers, social workers, Department of Human Services, and mental health agencies.

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Grasp edited


The mission of GRASP is to heal the intergenerational trauma in our community by utilizing healing-informed, relationship- centered culturally rooted practices.

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My Outdoor Colorado

Through the My Outdoor Colorado program, youth become active stewards of their own communities in the Cole and Westwood neighborhood parks in Denver and in open spaces identified by GOCO (Greater Outdoors Colorado).

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Get Involved

  • Refer youth to a DYP experience
  • Sign your child up for a DYP experience
  • Become a volunteer
  • Talk to a staff member about our programs

Testimonials From DYP Participants

“For this program to make a difference in your life, all you have to do is show up. GRASP provides the rest, if you just connect with them.”

- DYP participant

“Connecting and meeting my junior partner is the most meaningful part of my week. She helps me see the opportunity in challenge and motivates me to strengthen our connection and look toward a bright future for us both.”
- Mentorship Program Mentee